Fish Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota
Contact Us
Public Works 651-674-7709
Gary Guse, Roads 651-775-9122
Andrea Nekowitsch, Clerk 651-248-4968
Town Clerk & Treasurer
Town Clerks and Treasurers are the administrative officials of the Township and are appointed by the Town Board. The Town Clerk is the primary "go to" person for the Township. If you need to conduct business with the township and are unsure of whom to contact, check first with the Town Clerk. The Clerk coordinates the monthly Town Board, Annual Meetings, and administers elections.
Andrea Nekowitsch - Clerk
A town clerk performs a variety of duties for the township, including keeping meeting minutes; providing notice of meetings; filing and preserving the town’s records; and serving as the chief election officer for the town. The primary duties of the clerk are listed in Minn. Stat. § 367.11, but there are many other references to clerk’s duties spread throughout the statutes, and the clerk frequently performs other tasks needed for the town to function effectively and efficiently.
Corey Johnson - Treasurer
Town treasurers are mostly responsible for properly handling and accounting for the town’s funds. Treasurers keep a register of all demands for payment made to the town and of all checks the town issues. The primary duties of the treasurer are listed in Minn. Stat. § 367.16.